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OK, Yer On!

Writer's picture: Kimi BrownKawaKimi BrownKawa

We are close enough to starting our greenhouse build that we are putting the word out for barn-raisers!

We got our kit materials.

We got our engineering plans.

We got our floodplain certification.

We got our state building permit!

We are ordering the rest of the needed (off-the-shelf) materials.

We are lining up the site prep.

We are lining up the foundation inspection -- yes, the state really does want to trek out to our mesa to look at 18 post-holes ready for concrete!

We are thinking that by the end of the month we will have started actually building this thing! Of course we *imagine* that we will get 'er done in a couple weeks, but our experience (like, for example, the last six months of hurry-up-and-wait) and that of others (like, for example, the builders in Wyoming who have been generously sharing their experience on leads us to believe that we will be working on this project for some months.

We figure our infrastructure will be able to accommodate a couple of winter-hardy souls who would like to learn working side-by-side with us to put this thing together and start planting. Those who have their own winter camping gear of whatever stripe (like a hotel down the road!) would also be welcome. If you'd like to come out for a couple days or even a week or two some time in the next few months, let us know! Ask any questions -- we can lay out the type of accommodation & food available on site, and the type of work to expect, once we know when you'd want to come.

We will be able to do this on our own or with local help, but it could be fun to have some folks out to work together with us. We have posted it on the WWOOF site if you're a WWOOFer and on, as well as here.

If you're game, we look forward to hearing from you! Otherwise, feel free to relax in your hot tub with a glass of wine and make a toast with good wishes for our venture!



Kimi BrownKawa
Kimi BrownKawa
Nov 19, 2019

Hey folks -- if building is not your thing, it would also be great to have someone out to help with documenting... video, photos, guest blogger... or cooking, hauling water, etc. That would free me up to be a builder!


Kimi BrownKawa
Kimi BrownKawa
Nov 19, 2019

Wowie, Elaine! Fantastic, and thank you! I will contact you via email...


Elaine Petschek
Nov 14, 2019

How exciting. I would love to help in 2020. Ill be away over the holidays. I'd be a self-sufficient, daytime worker and supplier. I can bring my own shovels or what not.

BTW 1. I have a lot of hospital blankets from my mother's various medical adventures. I wouldn't count on them for big warmth or longevity, but they might be good 'flooring', other insulation or padding. otherwise I will try donating them to homeless. 2. I also have miles of irrigation tubing, with emiters already installed (not always in desired places) that I inherited from my fathers garden. I would deliver it in springtime if you thought you could use it.


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